When getting started in ski racing, the selection of race equipment can be overwhelming and intimidating. There is no need to rush out and get every piece of equipment at the get go. If your child already skis, they have all the equipment they need to get started. Your child's equipment needs will change as their racing ability improves. The following is a guide to what your child will need for ski racing. If you have any questions about equipment, check with your child's coaches.
All athletes need to have their own skis, boots, poles, helmet, and goggles.
Helmets are mandatory, all of the time, for both training and racing. If an athlete does not have their helmet, they are not allowed to train or race. Helmets and skis must comply with USSS regulations. Please refer to the Equipment Guide below for more details.
We ski in all types of weather, so please be prepared and dress accordingly each day. Don't forget that the mountain temperatures and conditions can fluctuate greatly throughout the day. It's best to have more clothes and not need them, than to not have enough to wear.
Always put your name on everything!
A lot of equipment and apparel looks the same and can be easily mixed up in the lodge or out on the rack.
Use a permanent marker to label everything you have!