The following Parent Code of Conduct represents a code of behavior for all parents and legal guardians of BMR athletes (“Parents Code”). This Parent Code reflects a commitment by you to abide by the guidelines below to ensure a safe and respectful environment for training and competition. Each parent and guardian must sign a copy of this Parent Code, which will become an agreement between Blue Mountain Racing (“BMR”) and the athlete’s parent(s) or legal guardian(s) (“BMR Parents”).
As a parent of an athlete on Blue Mountain Racing Team, I will abide by the following guidelines:
Parent Code of Conduct
BMR Parents must always maintain high standards of moral and ethical behavior, which includes displaying self-control, responsible behavior, consideration for other's physical and emotional well-being, courtesy, good manners, and sportsmanship while attending BMR training and/or competition activities.
1. BMR Parents must practice teamwork with all parents, athletes, and BMR staff.
2. BMR Parents will inform coaching staff of any physical disability or ailment that may affect the education and safety of their child or others.
3. BMR Parents must not coach or instruct their child or any other athlete at a practice or competition, thereby interfering with the coaches’ duties.
4. BMR Parents must demonstrate good sportsmanship by conducting themselves in a manner that earns the respect of their child, other athletes, parents, officials and the coaches at competitions and practices.
5. BMR Parents must refrain from criticizing, name-calling, use of abusive language or gestures directed toward their child, the coaches, officials, Resort staff, and/or any participating athlete.
6. BMR Parents will respect the officials and their authority during competitions and support coaches working with their child to encourage a positive and enjoyable experience for all.
7. BMR Parents must direct questions or concerns during competitions, regarding decisions made by officials to a member of our coaching staff.
8. BMR Parents will demand a sports environment that is free from drugs and alcohol.
9. BMR Parents must cheer, praise, and support the efforts of all competitors.
10. BMR Parents will act as ambassadors to Blue Mountain, on property and off, and will follow the rules set forth by Blue Mountain Racing and Resort Staff.